Almost like being there
Sure, it’s important to know to use “tu” when addressing a friend and “vous” when addressing a shopkeeper or stranger. But French, like all languages, is best learned through experience.
And, the next best thing to being there is to be a student in one of our French courses, where you’ll encounter the language as you would in a French café, train station or outdoor market.
Un café au lait, s’il vous plait!

A multimedia approach
In our French courses, the textbook is a handy reference but it won’t be the anchor of your learning experience.
Audio and video will keep your classroom time lively and culturally focused as you develop your French language skills with an accent on self-expression.
Much more fun than memorizing verb tenses and so very French when you think about it!
For a look at our French courses, visit the College Catalog.
Career rewards
Learning a second language will not only look good on your resume but will also give you advancement potential in a variety of careers, including those in education, government and international business.
You may even decide to become a language translator or interpreter.
Credits earned in your French language courses will transfer to most four-year colleges and universities to be applied to a French language major or a variety of other bachelor degree programs that require the study of a foreign language.
Did we hear a oui?
If you’d like to learn more, contact the associate dean of Humanities: 586.445.7251 or 586.286.2282.